Welcome To The Graceland & Bellwood City Cemetery
When Pine Bluff was a small village of only a few souls, a cemetery was started on the edge of town in the blocks on the north side of Commons (West Fourth Avenue) between Main and Chestnut streets. Other graves were found outside of this area from time to time. Apparently burials were made on the property without the owners consent. After General Yell and General James bought the unsold land in Old Town, they asked that the old graveyard be moved. The City of Pine Bluff bought forty acres from George A. and Louisa B. Worthern, May 6, 1860. The cemetery was named Bellwood after M.L. Bell, probably because of his efforts in obtaining the land. (Excerpted from Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, a Pictorial History by James Leslie)Since then about 60 acres has been added to the cemetery. Today a space 4 foot by 10 foot sells for $400.00. We have approximately 1450 available spaces at this time, with additional 5472, or 456 lots under development. In 1920 Graceland Investment Group owned and sold stock in the cemetery. When Graceland Investment went bankrupt the state assumed responsibilities for the cemetery. The City purchased the cemetery from the state. There are several important people buried here that influenced politics and inventors that made life better for us.
Graceland is just two blocks down with a gated entrance.
Director: Chilton Blunt
Bellwood City Cemetery
2122 W Pullen Avenue
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Tel: (870) 543-5137
Fax: (870) 543-5149
M-F 8:00am-5:00pm