Downtown Streetscape Phase II
Pine Bluff Downtown Streetscape (Phase II)
Construction Set to Begin in April
PINE BLUFF - The City of Pine Bluff announces the start of the next phase of the Downtown Streetscape Project, aimed at upgrading key infrastructure downtown. The project will include improvements to lighting, sidewalks, drainage, curb and gutter, landscaping, and other streetscape elements along Main Street between 4th Avenue to 8th Avenue. A public meeting for property owners and the general public is scheduled for Thursday, April 4, at 5:30 pm at the Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Library. The meeting will provide an opportunity for citizens and business owners in the construction area to ask questions and understand the construction schedule and traffic control plan for the project. Construction is projected to begin during the month April some time after the public meeting and is expected to be completed before the end of the year.
The Preconstruction Meeting for the Pine Bluff Downtown Streetscape (Phase II) was held at City Hall on Tuesday, March 13, 2024. During the meeting, Mayor Shirley Washington signed the nearly $2.4 million contract with Ben Shields of Shields & Associates of Little Rock. Others in attendance included additional city representatives-including Larry Matthews, Director of Public Works-and representatives from McClelland Consulting Engineers and Arkansas Department of Transportation. McClelland Consulting Engineers has been the engineering firm since the beginning of the streetscape project and will provide construction oversight services for the duration of the project. The project is funded, in part, with funding from the Arkansas Department of Transportation, along with municipal and bond funds.
"As we work to create a sense of place in our downtown district, we are excited to embark upon the groundbreaking of phase II of our streetscape project on Main, said Mayor Shirley Washington." Public Works Director, Larry Matthews echoed the sentiment: "This project continues the downtown beautification efforts," said Larry Matthews, "this investment is part of our commitment to a more thriving downtown. Washington also expressed an interest in expanding streetscape improvements to other parts of the city. "We look forward to expanding well rounded streetscape projects throughout the city as we invest to improve quality of life and stimulate economic growth within our community," said Washington.
In addition to the public meeting, a public information site for the project is under development and will be made available on the city's website by April 1, 2024.
The project is being managed by the Public Works Department, with support from the Economic and Community Development (ECD) Department. ECD contributes to more livable communities by supporting neighborhood and commercial district revitalization through public works projects, housing programs, public services, and economic development activities (including workforce development and cultural development opportunities for city residents)-investing in thriving places and thriving people.